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feasibility study

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<systems analysis> Part of the systems develpment life cycle which aims to determine whether it is sensible to develop some system. The most popular model of feasibility study is "TELOS", standing for Technical, Economic, Legal, Operational, Schedule.

Technical Feasibility: does the technology exist to implement the proposed system? Is it a practical proposition?

Economic Feasibility: is the system cost-effective? Do benefits outweigh costs?

Legal Feasibility: is there any conflict between the proposed system and legal requirements, e.g. the Data Protection Act?

Operational Feasibility: are the current work practices and procedures adequate to support the new system?

Schedule Feasibility: can the system be developed in time?

After the feasibility study, the requirements analysis should be carried out.


Nearby terms: FEA « fear and loathing « fear-driven development « feasibility study » feasible » feature » feature creature

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